Customer Relationship Management Brogent believes that good customer relationship management concerns customer loyalty and profits, and providing customers with equipment maintenance recommendations and paying attention to the availability of customers' equipment will extend the service life of equipment and reduce the damage to the environment. This will allow customers to stably operate in the long-term, continue to upgrade and maintain the educational and fun functions of our equipment, and create a positive cycle. When a location of operations receives a customer complaint or dissatisfaction with the quality of activities, Brogent will handle it according to the following procedures: Repair and Maintenance Process Brogent has a customer service unit and established the "Maintenance Management Regulation," setting forth work rules for after-sales maintenance and repair for various products and services within the warranty period, after the warranty period, and without warranty, in order to improve the quality and contents of after-sales services. Brogent appoints dedicated sales and technical contact persons for different customers. The contact persons are responsible for maintenance projects, incident reports, maintenance orders, component inquiries and quotations, technical consultation, video uploading, and on-site services. In addition, we established diverse customer service and feedback channels. The Customer Service Department analyzes the root causes of incidents reported by customers, provides them to the management unit to communicate and make improvements with relevant internal departments in accordance with the warranty conditions of the supply contract, and regularly tracks improvement results. Warranty responsibilities may also be fulfilled by suppliers, which improve product quality at the same time to meet the needs of different customers. There were no major customer complaints in 2023, but there were 688 records of feedback received or operation of this mechanism, and 88% of the cases have been resolved. Customer Privacy We hold internal training courses to enhance employee awareness on protecting customer privacy and confidential information, and only use and protect customer information based on the contract signed with customers. Our Legal Department reviews contract content and the scope of information disclosed in each contract before marketing and disclosing customer information to the public, and legal advice will be provided to the marketing team on information disclosures. When customers discover that private or confidential information has been leaked, they can file a complaint or report through Brogent's official website ( No customer complaints of violating customer privacy or leakage of confidential information were received in 2023.